Plant your roots here

How Alumni are Always Lakers, and Always Welcome

Whether you were a “lifer,” or attended ULS only for a semester, you are an important part of ULS’ story. Stay in touch with each other and all of us on Hawk Hill here.

once a laker always a laker

student hugging teacher at graduation

alumni at barn bash event


There are many ways to strengthen the alumni and student community. You can serve on a reunion committee, or be a part of our Alumni Speaker Series. You can also volunteer to have a student job shadow you for a day, or help with events. Drop us a line to let us know of your interests!



Make sure you receive the latest alumni e-newsletter, the most recent edition of The Laker, and invitations to special events by keeping your contact information up to date.


alumni at Barn Bash event

alumni Dan Roehl

Give Back

Contributions from alumni send a strong message about the value of a ULS education and the difference it makes in the lives of former students. Gifts of all sizes make a difference for our teachers and students today.


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